MARCH 2022
Happy National Puppy Day & Take a Walk in the Park Day!
Road Trip Destination: Chester Valley Trail (Exton)
March celebrates Take a Walk in the Park Day & National Puppy Day. Our road trip adventure takes us to a place of reflection, reminding us that not all puppies start in loving wonderful homes. This is why we rescue. Take a walk with your dog dog, celebrate your new puppy, and let it drive you to love your pet unconditionally for as long as you can!
Paris, affectionately known as “Pirate Puppy” arrived at TLC barely 3 months old. She had already survived Parvo virus as well as an attack by a much larger dog which resulted in the loss of her eye. Despite this traumatic beginning to her life, Paris never lost her spirit, her love for life, or her goofy, fun-loving and engaging personality.
Sadly, Paris’ health issues didn’t end here. She was rushed to Metropolitan Emergency Animal Hospital with a possible foreign body in her stomach along with elevated liver enzymes. During surgery, doctors removed several metal objects from her stomach. These objects had likely been there since before she arrived in PA , causing her stomach lining to deteriorate.
Following surgery, Paris was sent home with a supportive care plan with the hope her stomach lining would heal over time. However, on July 22nd, Paris suffered a severe seizure and was rushed back to the hospital. Doctors believed that the dog attack she suffered prior to coming to PA had damaged her skull and brain so she had likely been experiencing small seizures for months, and that the stress of her recent surgery had triggered this more severe episode. Her little body could fight no longer.
Our sweet Paris crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 23rd, surrounded her loving forever family. Both her adoptive family and our TLC family were devastated, but we know that this sweet puppy was able to feel love and happiness for the majority of her life. Our happy, resilient, and brave little girl is finally free from pain.
We will forever cherish Paris’ bold personality and all of the life lessons she taught us. Run free, Pirate Puppy, run free.
Paris the Pirate Puppy December 31, 2020 - July 23, 2021